Health Benefits of our Products

Tamarind: Rich source of non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) or dietary – fibre such as Hemicelluloses, mucilage, Pectin and tannins, tartaric acid which protect the body for harmful radicals.
Tamarind fruit contains many volatile phytochemicals. A good source of minerals like copper potassium, calcium, iron selenium, zinc and magnesium

Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Iron is essential for red blood cell production. Rich in thiamine, vitamin A, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C. Much of these vitamins play as antioxidants and co-factor function for enzymes metabolism inside the body. 
Its pulp has been used in many traditional medicines and laxative, digestive and as a remedy for bile disorder

Lime/lemon: vitamin C, B6, potassium, folate, flavonoid and the phytochemical limonene. Limonene has anti-cancer effect and help increase the level of enzymes that detoxify carcinogens and protects against bacterial poisoning. 

Hibiscus: High in anti-oxidants which helps in preventing and fighting cancer as well as aging, High in vitamin C, boosting the immune system

Aids in High blood pressure and cholesterol maintenance, speeds up metabolism, cures colds and in interestingly enough stops hair from falling out. 

Cures acne and maintains fluid balance. A great drink to sober up after a night out.
Ginger fires up the digestive juices. It improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body. Ginger clears the microcirculatory channels of the body including the pesky sinuses that tend to flare up from time to time. Ginger helps reduce bloating gas and upset stomachs. Ginger with its anti-inflammatory properties can being relief to aching joints. Chewing ginger post-operation can help overcome nausea. It great for coughs and cold and acts as an antibacterial
We combine the above ingredients to make this
Herb Vinegar

Wanjo Heat (Bissap Drink)

Tame Tsamiya (tamarind drink)

Meat marinade
